Questionnaire Help


Your pet's level of activity and energy helps us figure how much food they need to eat every day. We have standard daily feeding amounts for different activity levels, with additional requirements for growing puppies and kittens.

Active pets may get exercised regularly but aren't necessarily energetic

Very active pets are energetic and are regularly exercised (long daily walks or twice daily walks). Very active pets require more food due to the amount of exercise that they do.


Ideal weight is based on their body condition score, and our daily feeding amounts is determined by activity level and your pet's ideal weight (even if they are currently too lean or too heavy). Ideally, we want our pets to be a healthy weight so that their joints aren't under additional strain. You should be able to see a waistline and feel their ribs but not see them. If you're unsure, have a look at the body condition score charts.

Current weight is your pet's most recent weight, whether they are too lean or too heavy, or are a growing puppy or kitten.

For puppies and kittens, put their current weight into both ideal and current weight fields (unless they are underweight, then their ideal weight should be more than their current weight).


Mild skin issues refer to the occasional flare-up of itchiness or redness. They shouldn't be a regular occurrence and is likely to be triggered by something seasonal.

Medium skin issues are more frequent and severe. They could be triggered by the environment and/or something in their diet. Depending on your pet's reaction, the skin could be red, inflamed or even have sores in the affected areas. Pet's are likely to lick and nibble at these areas regularly. Dry flaky skin is also considered to be a medium skin issue.

Severe skin issues are often treated with regular medication from your veterinarian. Specialised washes and creams are often used to help alleviate the symptoms.

If your pet has medium or severe skin issues, we'll suggest that you speak with us so we can tailor make the best feeding plan for your pet's needs. Read more about Allergies in our Education section.


Sometimes our pets react to certain foods. Common food allergies are grains, starches, chicken, beef, pork, and lamb. A lot of these are found in commercial pet food. Food allergies often result in skin allergies such as redness and itchiness as well as digestive upsets.

Letting us know of any allergies will help us tailor the best feeding plan for your pet.


The digestive issues listed in the questionnaire all indicate that there is a possible imbalance in the gut. The symptoms can be caused by food intolerances and/or an imbalance in the gut microbiome. Gut health is very important as it determines our pet's ability to digest their food correctly or not, which is especially important before starting a raw diet.

Digestive issues can sometimes be resolved by removing inflammatory triggers, repairing and healing the gut, and feeding a species-appropriate diet. Sometimes some additional gut support is needed such as bone broth and probiotics.

If your pet has digestive issues, we'll suggest that you speak with us so we can tailor make the best feeding plan for your pet's needs. Read more about Digestion and Gut Health in our Education section.


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